Funny how we live a life that is unfiltered with people yet filtered with God.
Shouldn’t it be the opposite? In a day where we can post anything on social media, we air it all. Not holding back anything. And yet, with God we filter conversations, holding back how we really feel and what we really want to communicate. We read passages about David where He is raw honest and exposed with God, we admire that, yet wonder if we could say that to God. Fearing what that might mean for us we are much more comfortable with filtered casual conversations and prayers.
In fact unfiltered people with God make us a little nervous, I mean shouldn’t our prayers be liturgical and you know reverent? I mean c’mon, to be unfiltered with God means you’re so real you’re quite vulnerable exposing the real you. Who desires that? It makes you feel like a spiritual exhibitionist being naked without the religious garb.
Some of the most unfiltered, raw people I know have had immense challenges and have struggled in their spiritual life. Their besetting sin has tried to own them. Their love for God is so real as real as their struggle yet they are’nt free. They limp to the altar in their heart pouring out everything to God with no filter. They, are much more like David was in his realness. They wouldn’t dart the church doors but they wouldn’t dare let go of God. They are unfiltered, being so aware of their struggle. They fully embrace the God of grace who loves them desperately and daily listens to their unfiltered heart cries. He holds them, comforts them and whispers to them, “ whomever the son sets free is free indeed.” They know his words are truth and his love continually draws them back. In their hearts they are free because they know the one who is setting them free. Yet they struggle.
What about you? Are you filtered with God?
Do your conversations with God sound more like the religious Pharisee who prayed from his points of spiritual pride? Maybe your conversations are raw and politically incorrect. Definitely unfiltered. You tug at God’s heart because of your contrite heart. Being fully aware of how far away you seem to be yet, in acknowledging your distance from God he has drawn close to your honest heart. This is the realness God is wanting from us in conversation.
So what will you bring Filtered or Unfiltered?
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think about this article.
Leave out the thees and thous and just talk to Him