A House Where Love Dwells


The whole world is searching for it.  Looking for it in many different ways.  Love has a way of capturing you.

Who doesn’t love a great love story?   We see it glamorized on the big screen.  We privately feel disappointed when we know that we aren’t experiencing genuine love.

After all, isn’t that the only thing that is truly lasting , love.  The residue of love gone wrong can leave us jilted feeling and wondering at best what life and love should be like and what it should look like.  Love has a look you know.

Solomon’s Search

Solomon looked for it in all the wrong places and in the wrong women.  He felt empty as he attempted to fill the empty hole of love and significance.  Be careful where you put your investments, sometimes they are being placed in a bag with holes in it.

Love that is reciprocated is like a warm blanket wrapped around you after walking through a snowstorm. It warms the parts of you that have lost feeling because for so long those parts have been numb from the cold. This is how our lives are at times.  Numb.  Numb from disappointment, numb from words that have fallen on deaf ears, numb from heartache and rejection. We are searching yet not finding, we are hungry. Hungry for love.

Everything that we thought would bring love ended up in our lap like a bag of bones. No sustenance, nothing, just bones. We begin to wade through the bones and take inventory of our lives and the skeletons of what love was suppose to bring my heart.

Ezekiel’s Encounter with God

I am reminded of Ezekiel’s encounter in Ezekiel 37.  God brings him to a valley full of bones. He is surrounded by them and God asks him, Can these bones live again? Ezekiel responds with “Lord, you know”.  Seems like a safe enough answer to me.

God then begins to instruct him to speak and prophesy over these bones. Ezekiel begins to say to these bones what The Lord says to him, I will cause breathe to enter you and you shall live. He continues to say that skin will come upon the bones and breathe will enter into these bones and they will live!

Over and over Ezekiel is speaking life over these bones and suddenly just as He said, the bones began to rattle and come together according to what He was saying. God was healing and bringing life back to a bunch of bones.  It was according to what Ezekiel would do with the bones in this valley.

Ezekiel chose to listen to the instruction of The Lord and agree with God by saying the same thing God said. Not what He saw, what He felt or experienced but what He heard God say. This is the key to life and ultimately love. Hearing from the perspective of God and speaking into those situations with God kind of words.

Skeletons in Our Closet

We all have valley seasons and this is the place we clearly see the bones.  The skeletons and things we wish we could just forget. The love that seems lost within these bones. The hopes and dreams that once seemed so possible that now are just a faded memory.  A life that once was all planned out has now plummeted to bones. Can these bones in your life come together with new life? Can you believe God is able to bring beauty out of ashes? Think about it, He made man out of dirt so is it that difficult for God to bring new life to your bones of despair? Will you trust him?

A house where love dwells is not a house that is a fairy tale but a house that has endured. A house that has new life brought back into the bones of that home. Another shot at life and love. This is the kind of God we serve. A God who knew, that if we would trust him, He could make all things new.

Proverbs 15:17
Better is a dinner with herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.

Simplicity of Love

The simplicity of love strips away all the non essentials. The empty pursuit of what we think will satisfy us to the small things that open our hearts to love. Give me a lifetime of love in exchange for the vain pursuit of Grandeur. No comparison.  1 Corinthians 13:13…… but the greatest of these is love.

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