Beautiful Feet

persons feet hanging over a cliff
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7

Telling Lauren (my oldest daughter) to hop into bed assuring her I would be there in a minute to read her a story. As I pulled back the covers she had her little nightgown on and her tan tasselled cowboy boots.

 I said, “Baby, it’s bedtime, let’s take your boots off because you’re not going anywhere.”

Nooooo Mommy, they are my favorites!” As I removed the boots, I promised her we could put them on in the morning.

As we snuggled in bed, Lauren giggled over and over saying read it again Mommy. By this point she had memorized every word to, The Monster at the End of This Book, featuring Grover.

She was quick to recognize if a single page was skipped. As she anticipated the last page and discovered night after night, Grover was the only monster there.

 Laughter erupted as I would tickle her over and over as she giggled.

Our nighttime ritual was snuggles and a story. Re-reading the same Grover story that she loved.

As usual she would protest how she wasn’t tired, even as her eyelids grew heavier and heavier along with mine.

As I slipped out of her room to have some quiet time before getting into bed myself I would walk back into Lauren’s room to see if she was asleep.

 As I pulled the covers back, I saw she had gotten out of bed, put on her cowboy boots and now was sound asleep.

Smiling, I didn’t have the heart to remove them. These tiny little 3 yr old feet needed cowboy boots on while she slept.

Who knows if she will need them or not? Where might these boots carry her as she dreams?

Years later, her shoes look different as a nurse. In her thirties now, she carries comfort and medicine. Strength and support. Although her shoes look different her feet bring good news to those in need.

This makes me think of our lives and the shoes God gives us to carry a message. Messages needed for a hurting world, searching for answers.

Isaiah makes reference to this in Isaiah 52:7

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “your God reigns!”

How beautiful are the feet of those entrusted to carry good news to our hearts. When chaos threatens to disrupt our lives, They speak peace to us.

They bring the carefully wrapped words of God out into the open, displaying His goodness.

They shout from the highest mountain, “Deliverance!” Reminding us that our God reigns! The one who saves us will not drop us.

We struggle and need the assurance of these words on dark days. We need to see the feet of those who carry good news.

There are many around us who represent God’s kingdom. Their shoes may look vastly different to us but the message is clear, peace. They usher in soothing words to our weary hearts.

They provide strength for us to carry on. Reminding us to keep walking forward. To keep believing even when things look dark. They remind us where our hope comes from.

Maybe your heart will be lifted today because you are the one carrying good news to someone who is in need. You might just be the answer to their prayer.

Father, thank you for the beautiful feet of those who carry good news helping us to see where our help comes from. You never let us go. Help us recognize you in whatever shoes you show up in. We look to you. In your sweet name we pray Jesus. Amen.

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