She stood there looking like Punky Brewster. Smacking gum with her hands on her hips. She looked one way then the other.
High top tennis shoes laced up to the top. She represented all the girls she would save.
Her name is Esther.
No clue she was sent. A divine assignment waiting. Orphaned, but not homeless thanks to her Uncle Mordecai. He boldly said, I’ve got you. I will keep you and you will be mine. My own daughter.
She had sass. She had courage and sniffed out danger because she was drawn right out of that kind of mess thanks to Mordecai.
No where in the book of Esther do you see God’s name but you sure do see his fingerprints all through the story.
The Assignment
Esther is given the assignment and invitation to save the Jewish people. She has experienced pain and injustice so she is well aware when she sees it happening.
Imagine, a young teenage girl being encapsulated and set up by some notorious gangsta types. That’s all a spiritual thug is. A wanna be pharisee. Looking for rules to flag someone on.
Trying to remove a gnat from everyone else, they swallow a camel. Go figure. This is what happens with the spiritual police types.
Good grief, they wanna hem you in with their “rules” so they can have bragging rights and make you as much a son of hell as they are. This isn’t the goal friends. It’s to love God and love people.
The Spiritual Goal
This is the spiritual goal. Christ likeness. Not rules we are proud about following. Segregating us from humanity because our holiness can’t be contaminated by an unclean person.
Geez. See how far religion takes us away from the message. Jesus and him crucified for you, me and the whole world.
Esther is so unassuming. So stunning that she captured the whole room. When she walked into the room, heads turned. Bouncing in with gum smacking and high tops she still dazzled.
She. Was. Stunning. But do you know what it was about her?
She moved others because she was moved.
The Preparation
She was given special treatment to prepare her for her assignment and others were given assignments from her.
Her position was high. It was elevated because of her assignment to free the Jewish people.
Fasting would clarify this and she soon discovered the villains that had the assignment against her and her people. Fasting can quiet the noise of the soul so you can see what’s going on.
Esther had a quiet confidence.That confidence caused her to take action, her action was rewarded by sparing the Jewish people and defeating the villains who threatened to do away with them.
Pride can never stay quiet or lowly. Her enemies had plenty to say, plenty they staged but it all came to nothing. Esther would continue to develop, to grow, and to learn.
Why? Because God was with her. She had humility and obedience. She obeyed the counsel and direction Mordecai gave her.
The Opportunity
She had the opportunity to go or decide not to go with the assignment. She knew it was to free her people. Her heart couldn’t betray her people. If she died, then she died.
Courage mattered. She jumped in. Both feet. What will be will be. And.. she thought, what if they’re saved.
She listened carefully to her Uncle Mordecai’s counsel. Not revealing what He told her to restrain. Not telling all. Not sharing all. Discretion mattered then and still does today.
Mordecai is a picture of The Holy Spirit in our lives. Sensitive situations require specific strategy. When we obey him we always get the fruit of that obedience. Victory. Esther and her people were victorious. What is God putting in front of you?
Your Turn
Are you a girl in combat boots?
Leave me a comment below and let me know your biggest assignment from God.
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