I’m more of a one liner kind of girl.
My husband on the other hand can crank out words like kids eating goldfish crackers. I think the problem for me might be that I can tend to have the attention span of a goldfish. I heard that once and thought they may have been eavesdropping on my life.
I like to think of it as creative. Seems less forgiving than ADD or ADHD. This is another reason I sit in the front few rows at church. A piece of lint on someone’s shirt can distract me.
Our Daily Quest
Everyday my husband and I sit at our computers ready to bring some type of life to our words. It is a passion for both of us. He is like a walking encyclopedia about spiritual things.
Given a few minutes of your time and Doug will have you hanging on the edge of your seat to hear or read some of his teachings. The guy gets some great insights.
After a while I get a brain cramp and writer’s block, him? Never. It just pours out like water. Sometimes, I think people are mesmerized with the stuff Doug brings out. I’m certain I have seen smoke flying off that keyboard a time or two when He is typing.
Me? Ummm. More of a wannabe writer. Yeah, I’m that girl, kinda quirky, kinda random and then every now and then when the moon is just right and the stars line up, Wham! God blows my mind with something He shows me. Right then at that moment like a kid in a candy store I start jumping up and down wanting to share whatever it is that God shared with me.
Every now and then I flip-flop my way into his presence and just sit a while. Chat with him a while, worship for a while and learn his beautiful ways. Seems He likes to share his secrets with us! But He is the best secret keeper.
Not once has he “slipped” when I shared something painful or embarrassing with him. It was between him and I and He discarded it into the sea of forgetfulness forever. And He is never shocked, doesn’t get much better than that friends.
The weight of my heavy heart freed by the emptying of every tangled, sinful thought or deed I had. This happened as I sat at his feet learning his ways, discarding religious rituals in place of a real and raw life.
No pretentiousness, no hiding, just Jesus and being real in his presence. Becoming undone. Undone without shame, undone without hiding, undone without rules. Yeah rules. You will never be undone if you need to keep the rules, jump through hoops and stay pretty looking.
Jesus will blow them down to get to your heart, which is the very thing we try to hide. But his words spoken to our heart. Aaaahhhh yes, those words, they whisper of an unfailing love that calls us to trust and rest in him.
To rest in the red-letter words is like a mini vacation for your soul. One taste of it and it causes you to yearn for that kind of rest again.
Words have a strange kind of power.
They work in you and when they come out of you they create. They give understanding to others. They have the power to wreck you or win you. To heal you or destroy you.
Your words are like a surgeon’s scalpel or can be used like a madman with a machete. I’m sure we have all experienced both. Use them wisely and allow them to heal others and help others.
Books And Their Power
Books have a way of captivating us and we willingly give up sleep to read one more chapter. Funny how we start deducting sleep time, convincing ourselves that 5 hrs of sleep will be fine, just one more chapter. Then, it happens. It is 2 am. and we have to be up by 6am to get ready for work. Words. You can’t get enough.
The love affair we have with a library is like a drug to a junkie. One more hit and we are done. It never ends there. It’s like we are being pimped out for what? You guessed it words.
Hard back, Paperback , Kindles, Magazines, Blog sites.Upper case, Lower case, font type, cursive, standard.
Yeah we start getting staunch about it. Picky you say, I beg to differ, just specific. Ask any lover of words. They aren’t fussy. Finicky maybe, but definitely not fussy.
Where The Love Affair Started
My love affair started out as a little girl with Laura Ingall’s Wilder, and some Beverly Cleary, Nancy Drew and whatever other chapter books found me.
Then the Bible. Oh yes, the greatest love story ever written.
You ask why? That book read me way more than I read it. It was like oxygen to my soul with every red-letter word I read it was as if I could breathe better, see clearer and start to climb over the walls in my life. The walls seem to crumble as I spoke this word over my life. I learned, the word indeed had power.
These were no ordinary words but words that were sharper than a two-edged sword able to divide soul and spirit. Able to plant and able to uproot. These were the very words of life. The life was in the word. The word itself was God being manifest and planted even as I spoke it and believed. They were and are and always will be, life giving words.
Nerds can get lost in words.
Books become our friends so to speak. We can escape into a world of words and be the nerds that we are for a while. I think I just confessed that I was a nerd. Who knew?
Unexpressed words are a Poet’s madness! The writer’s story with a lid on it and the blogger’s rant suppressed.
The teacher’s words withheld is like fire shut up in his bones. Locked within himself are words that explain, give direction, give understanding while hungry students perish for the lack of them.
Words are a life source.
Even as scripture says:
“ In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
Words can create ideas and concepts.
They create pictures and your imagination begins to develop these words into existence by germinating them in the heart, the spiritual womb. This is why words are so powerful.
Row after row there are books on shelves stuffed with the heartbeat of every author who penned them. Some books are filed with knowledge, some fantasy, some instructional, some inspirational whatever you are in the mood for it is there in that store.
The smell of the pages of those books and coffee being brewed are like a personal invitation beckoning you to come in and visit a while between the pages of that party – the celebration right inside that book.
Gotta go for now, words are calling out to me.
When I read this it is as if I am having a conversation with you at your dinner table. I love that. Words!!!! Ugh! I love them too. Favorite book I have read is a tough question, because I don’t feel like I have ever really read a book completely…I will have to ponder that.
Thanks for sharing this. Xo
Thanks Chelsea for the comment. It is like we are having a conversation at my dinner table! I always read multiple books at the same time and feel a personal victory when i complete one. Lovers of words understand the madness! Thanks for reading my blog. hugs.