Maybe more romantic than hopeless.
I have always believed in love. Love has the power to bring you out of your cages of fear.
Maybe the word hopeless is always tagged to love because once bitten, you are toast.
I am always a sap for a love story because they uncover the pursuit of what everyone is looking for. Love. The very nature of love itself is to give, to be expressed.
My husband has always said “ Once you find what you are looking for you stop looking.” I have found that to be true. Love has a way of settling you in. Unlocking doors that you never knew were locked. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable, to be known.
Words From A Wise Man
Listen to what the book of Song of Solomon says.
Song of Solomon 8:6-7
Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; it’s flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house it would be utterly despised.
The Shulamite in the story wants to be the “seal” upon his heart. The one on his arm. Yeah, that girl. She wants to be the first thing that He thinks of when he wakes and the last thing He thinks of before He sleeps.
A love so strong that nothing in their lives could suppress or drown what they have for one another.
God’s Deep Desire
God has a deep desire that our heart and devotion to him would be like this, that nothing could quench or diminish our love for him. That we would indeed learn as scripture says, to love one another as I have loved you. To love your neighbor as yourself. To know that perfect love does cast out all fear.
Every time we trust him we are saying, “I love you”. I know you have “got this” whatever “this” may be.
Our love is displayed in trust every time we lay down our will and carry our cross. When we slide off the thrown of our lives to exalt the only one who belonged there in the first place. When we turn the other cheek, pray for those who despite-fully use us, bless those who curse us and keep giving thanks to the father we are expressing his love.
Every Time…
Every time the temptation to hold onto hurt ends up being offered in prayer we are drinking his love. When demons taunt and accuse us and we cry out “But God.” We are drinking his love.
Every time his word trumps our reckless week. We surrender to and drink his love.
Every time we sit at the table and commune with the Father, feeding on His word, we are drinking his love.
When we don’t understand why things happen and we cry out saying not my will but thy will be done we are drinking in his love.
When we groan in prayer because there are no words to say and only tears splash the carpet as we lay face down, it is there also that we drink in his love.
Take A Look At Jacob
Jacob in the bible was jacked up. All because of love. He worked seven years ( 2,555 days to be exact) for Rachel’s father so He could get Rachel, then because Laban was a deceiver Jacob had to work another 7 years for her ( 2,555 days again).
Listen to what the word says about Jacob’s love.
Genesis 29:20
So Jacob served 7 years for Rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.
His love for Rachel was so strong that it overshadowed and diminished the time he spent working in exchange to have her. It wasn’t a dread to work to have her, it was a dream and this dream gave him vision. I
It empowered him with a grace to finish the task at hand. He knew the end result, therefore he was empowered to accomplish whatever it was that was put before him.
This was a small thing in comparison to the love Jacob had for Rachel. It was the love that drove him.
Take A Look At Your Heart
Where your heart is there your treasure is also.
Identify where your heart is on a regular basis and you will find your treasure. This treasure is your vision. Nothing can stop you from getting to it if your heart is already there.
Seek out wise counsel for guidance and mentoring. Scripture says that in a multitude of counselors there is safety. Just to blindly follow your heart without the wisdom of scripture is dangerous and can lead to pitfalls but through the word, prayer and wise counsel God will lead you to a place of love.
A place of peace and trust as you discover the deep love of God.
What do you think?