Too Much of Everything and Not Enough of Something

Too much of everything and not enough of something simple.

I sat there uncertain how to respond as the young woman told me how she wanted to be invited to the prom.

Oh my, I am hoping my facial expressions are not reflecting my inner thoughts. Huh? You want him to do what? Is this a prom invitation or a wedding proposal?

Buckle your seatbelts friends, it could be a bumpy ride. I’m all for extravagant but how much is enough?

Nowadays these boys have to go to extreme means of wowing girls and inviting them to prom. It’s like a production, no joke.

They can’t just “pop a question” in terms of a nervous invitation to a High School prom. It’s an outright tragic thing to be subtle or private with the invitation. At least it is to these girls.

These boys are expected to go over the top just for the invitation. The girls love it when it is Instagram worthy, being videoed the entire time.

Extravagant signs made, with an entourage following along to see if she will accept the sacred prom invite. These poor boys. Do you even want these girls to be your future wives? There is a lot of pressure these days. Which leads me into the future with the same girls later on down the road.

That’s Not All…

Have you heard of push presents?

It’s a thing. These mamas not only get a sweet, baby bundle of joy. They get flowers from Daddy.

And now He is expected to fork out greenbacks for a push present, most appreciated if it is a diamond.

Whoever heard of a push present? I used to call that an epidural. It’s not. It’s a literal gift for pushing, yes, you heard me correctly.

What?? How about the gift is your child? Your husband adores you post labor and delivery, brings you flowers as you ooh and aah over your new addition.

Maybe I’m old school. Everything seems over the top. Too much. One baby shower isn’t enough anymore. I knew a girl who had 7 baby showers, for one baby!

There’s More…

What about all the gender reveal parties? With bottle rockets going off, balloons meeting Jesus in the air.

Cupcakes revealing pink or blue showing what sex the child is. It’s all perfectly filmed. Photo op moments with perfect lighting and angles to catch the moment.

It can all seem brag-audacious and vain.

Look, I love a great pic like the next person but what happens when we need these pics for our identity and image?

Is nothing private or sacred anymore? What is wrong with privacy? Not with everything, but how about some things?

Isn’t there something humble and endearing about simple? About the non-televised moments only between two people instead of the entire universe.

When did everything have to be a moment?

When did we lose the beauty of subtle and simple?

When did our society become enslaved to everything having to be a staged, Instagram moment?

When did Prom dresses start looking like nightclub dresses? I’m not being ugly y’all. Just asking?

Why haven’t parents protested the extravagant prom invitations? Some actually encourage the madness.

Instagram worthy moments aren’t real. Notice how no one posts insta-stinky moments.

Nobody posts their less than perfect family, less than adoring spouse or less than killing it business venture.

The latest post has invisible blinking lights screaming, you could have this perfect life too.

Which is a big fat lie. That’s not reality. It’s a snapshot of a posed portrait. Portraying a non-reality life. Maybe 15 minutes earlier they were discussing divorce.

Real-life is messy. It’s gut-wrenching at times> Soul breaking.

It’s a broken heart from a divorce.

It’s sadness in the cashier’s eyes as you check out. It’s the look of despair as you look over at the lady sitting by herself in church.

It’s the broken heart of the man who beats himself up daily because He is enslaved to the bottle.

It’s the pain and ache of the broken-hearted mom who has a rebellious child.

It’s the despair of a businessman who can’t make the numbers work and He fears not being able to provide for His family.

It’s the minister who can’t help himself but spends His life helping everyone else.

Starving Souls

In a day where we have too much of so many things our souls are starved for something more.

Something real. Something tangible in our hearts. Our lives at one time experienced this, even on a seemingly small scale.

Now, it seems we are questioning if simple is enough. No likes, no comments to read, just us in the quiet and quaint.

Before we had social media, insecurities would creep in, but now, a click away at our fingertips are constant reminders of what we are not.

What event are we afraid we are missing?

How my life isn’t glamorous like theirs? My family isn’t happy like theirs.

This is dangerous and will eat your soul. It will steal every ounce of joy and peace if we subject ourselves to it.

It’s designed to consume you with it, not free you in your life.


Reconsider the over the top prom invites, the multiple baby showers, the extravagant push presents.

What are you searching for that will validate the need to be loved and chosen? You already are. The Lord is wild about you.

Does the over the top displays make us feel more valued and loved?

What if you embraced the unpretentious, simple, no spotlight moment with quiet gratitude.

What if you didn’t need all the platforms to celebrate a special moment?

What if all the fluff wasn’t necessary to make you happy?

Instead, hear what God says:

Jeremiah 31:3
Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness, I have drawn you.

Lord, help us to see you in the simple. In the extravagant, yet humble way you show us your love daily. Help us to see the big ways you love us in the small things. The lavish ways you pour your love out in very unpretentious ways. Simple can satisfy our hearts, may your grace teach us how it does in a world that is placing everything on a stage.

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