Money is currency. It’s actually paper, therefore, it has the ability to be burned up. You can lose its value when you don’t discern the purpose and power it is intended to have. I love how one of my past college instructors puts it. “When you don’t know the value of something or a person you misuse it or abuse it.”
Money is like that. Money has an assignment. If you don’t sow it or save it, you may be tempted to blow it. If you don’t have a purpose for it, then you may hoard it. Especially if it is an idol or your god of security.
When someone has stewarded well and invested time,talents and resources, the fruit of their decisions bring the blessing. They have done their due diligence and assigned their life talents with purpose and destiny.
Generous people usually have more than enough. Because their generosity has enlarged their capacity to receive from God. They want to invest into others with financial purpose and advance another person’s good works.
All investors look for good ground to invest in. When you see money as a seed, everything changes about what it represents to you.
Sowing Toward Your Future
You must sow towards the area you want to go. It requires believing God, discipline and clear direction. Living for your “right now” will never get you to your “later.” You will come up short because you didn’t plant or prepare.
Sowing finances always requires faith because you can’t see in the natural what you are sowing towards. If you see it in your heart then you’ve seen it by faith. You also will see the harvest of the seed you have sown come back into your life. Without faith it’s impossible to please God or receive a harvest.
Do nothing out of guilt or obligation. It will be a dead work and if it’s not in your heart it will fall on dead ground. If it wasn’t released with faith and belief then it may have been sown in “ought to” instead of “want to” , your heart motive matters and the why behind whatever it is that we do.. Active, believing faith sown in love is always working.
Sowing now secures your vision. Don’t start sowing financial seed the day you need a harvest. Think ahead, plan ahead. What has God called you to set your hand to? What is your ministry assignment? What is your work assignment?
Don’t be a wind watcher. They never catch anything but a breeze. Be a seed planter. They receive the harvest of a tree, or a field of corn, or the success of a business.
Money is the Least of These
Money is nothing for God. The streets of heaven are laid with gold if that clues you in on how God does things with excellence. He places it as something we walk on, something that isn’t over us in control but stabilizes us as we walk through life.
What if you started doing that in your life? Start walking on money as your authority builds and no longer letting money have authority and control over your life. Money is a shelter and a covering. It’s a tool to help others with. Assign it and watch God bless that seed and increase your life currency.
You sow seed financially so that God can entrust you with more seed to sow.
Your Life is a Funnel
What if you saw your life as a funnel and not a container.
What if you saw your life as an investor and not a consumer? God himself says that He has given us all things to enjoy. Mammon is the very least in God’s eyes, yet we tend to make it the most.
Remember you are empowered to walk on Gold and not let it control you or your decisions. Define and assign your money not allowing it to define you. Just like electricity needs current, so does money. A current is moving not stagnant. Make the currency of money work for you and don’t allow it to enslave you. You weren’t meant to be owned but to own. You were called to rule and not be ruled by things or money.
It’s Time to Change Your Mindset
Change your mindset. Be an owner and not just a manager. Be a son and not a servant.
Cast off grave clothes and put on the clothes of a king and a priest. Rule so that you are not ruled. Govern so that you are not enslaved. God has your future in control, so keep an open hand so that the currency of money continues to flow and He can place more in your hand to sow.
Never apologize if you’ve sown financially and God has blessed you. You can’t bless anyone if you aren’t blessed.
Don’t Judge Someone Else’s Harvest
Judging someone else’s harvest is unfair because you don’t know what they have sown. God does but we don’t. So when you see someone blessed, be happy for them and not jealous. Realize, that they have either sown the study, the finances, or the discipline of school to get where they are and enjoy the harvest that others see.
There is no such thing as an overnight success. There are years of planting, developing, giving yourself to anything that you see as successful.
Understanding the purpose of money and the skill to manage it well sets you up for success in your stewarding.
It’s Your Turn
How do you view money? Is it your servant? Or master?
I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below and let’s keep the conversation going.
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