Ladies. I love you. I’m called to you and I’m one of you. But we have to be honest. We are not easy. We definitely need to throw a bone to the men in our lives.
We want to be the barometer in the house but often we are the thermometer.
Hormones, hangry moments, add in the ability to go from happy to hysterical in 2.3 seconds and you got some adventure. The pendulum swings far and wide.
We can be a lot. I will go to bat for you every time. Nothing can get in my crawl like a man trying to minimize or explain away a woman when she’s pregnant.
Equally as daring when menopause is creeping in and knocking at the door hormone swings that would shame a monkey. These aren’t magical days only moodier, fluffier ones.
I haven’t even introduced perimenopause. Or breathed a word about hot flashes and how many fans at night are too many? Let’s save that for another post.
You have to admit, if we can grow a child we can subdue these emotions by balancing them. I will say, just because you’re dramatic doesn’t necessarily mean you are drama.
Let’s say for giggles you are drama, do everyone a favor and find out why. Unless you’re 13 no one has tolerance for it. Your splinter or hangnail that is sending you into orbit is light in comparison after choking back an ocean of tears with my friend who buried her only son.
I sat holding my friend’s hand, looking into her scared eyes because cancer showed up in her husband again. Her mind reeling with the questions of what their future will look like.
These are hard, real-life trials.
Not that smaller trials are not trials they just aren’t first world problems. They are manageable usually with an attitude adjustment and realizing the world doesn’t owe you a thing.
If drama follows you, check out who the common denominator might be. I will wait. Cha-ching. Light bulb moments are your friends. They rally around you, saying things like, girl, you didn’t know. It’s ok, we’ve got you. Light bulb moments are saying things like you might be overreacting a little.
Crying with you over absolutely nothing but your own drama. Your first world problems are self-inflicted neurotic moments of cray cray.
There. I said it. It’s out. Still love me? Hoping so, because this brave post is because I love you.
Your girl fan club is starting to dread when your text pops up because the amount of energy it takes to talk you off the ledge is requiring energy no one has left.
My husband and sister say my pragmatic personality is odd because of my love and calling to women. This is precisely why I think I can say the things I say because I LOVE your guts out. I get us. We are something! I mean that in the most humble way. Not everyone can handle us.
Who else can navigate the emotional tightrope walk we manage to walk across? Who else can scale the mountain of ‘He loves me? He doesn’t love me?’ Why am I trudging up this mountain anyway?
Who can run this household like a freaking CEO, make a meal plan, do the shopping, run kids to doctors and dentists, take pets to the vet and be a sex kitten for your hubby? Only you. That’s right, only you.
Should we dare venture into the steep descent of friendships of women?
Walk into a room of women and you might experience a face looking like it smelled an onion, as she scans you vertically. Not sure why women do this but they do.
You hear it all the time. Women are catty. Don’t turn your back.
She hasn’t spoken to me in years and I have no idea what happened?
Silent treatments. When the roar of chatter turns to a whisper when you walk in.
When new friends seem to discard the faithful friends and there isn’t enough room for all of us.
This doesn’t have to be your story even if it is familiar and you have the sting of a few of these in relationships.
Trust God to bring the right women friendships into your life. The friendships that celebrate you continually.
The friendships who unapologetically push you out of your comfort zone because they see how much potential is in you.
The friendships that help complete you instead of compete with you. The ones who are secure when you’re distant because you are a lone processor.
The friendships that reflect you back to you.
The friendships that wade through your drama and love you anyway.
Isn’t this what we all want? Will you love me at my un-loveliest times?
Will you celebrate me and not just tolerate me?
Will you kick my butt when I lay in a bed of pity and refuse to give me the pity that feeds that depression?
Will you walk towards me when everyone else walks away from me?
Will you see me when I can’t seem to find me?
Girls. We can be each other’s person. Yes, we are a handful. We can be dramatic and drama. We can laugh and cry together, pray a thousand prayers of tears without uttering a word.
Can you feel the spiritual babe leap in your womb like Elizabeth did when Mary entered?
That dream inside of you leaps when she speaks to you.
God is for you. Your friends are for you. Let’s make room for each other. Fan the flame of life for each other. There is a younger generation watching our love for each other. Will you show them a sacrificing love for your gender?
Will you spread your skirt out on the ground giving someone a seat to keep them from getting dirty? I know. You must be thinking what year is she in?
Exactly, go back to ancient days of self-sacrificing love for someone else’s comfort and well being over our own.
Ladies, don’t waste a moment of someone renting space inside your head. Don’t give the devil an inch because He will move in and take over and hijack every pleasant thought you have.
Lord, help us to see our need for each other and believe the best. Help us forgive the worst because we all have had the worst moment. A moment doesn’t define you, a lifetime does.
Rush into the one everyone screeches to get away from. Her story may need your tears, your touch of love and grace. Broken hearts break to soften the hardness of what she walked through. Love her through it. Then, she will see Jesus.
I want this kind of love, don’t you? We all do.
Leave a comment below and let me know what your biggest challenge is.