My brother in law Steve got hacked. It was bad. I mean bad. He’s that guy with a great reputation. With stand-up character. Someone hacked his Instagram and posted some vile pornography. It filtered through to all of our accounts.
He was mortified. We knew it wasn’t him but a hacker busted into his account. We ignored it and reported it, but that didn’t remove the sting of that assault.
It mattered to my brother in law because someone had violated him. He was ticked. He was concerned about his reputation being marred. Hogwash. He’s a straight up guy who got hacked, that’s all.
Have You Been Hacked
It made me think of how often we all get hacked. We get hacked daily. Hacked by the enemy with thoughts that assault us.
We often don’t even realize when we are being hacked and degraded. Every time we compare ourselves to someone else. Hacked. Everytime we beat ourselves up about our past. Hacked.
Every time we give our attention to cringe worthy moments. Hacked.
Every time we deconstruct the beautiful things God says about us with words of no value. Hacked.
Hackers prey upon the vulnerable.
They capitalize on a weakness so they can worm their way into it and exploit it. This is why we rise up to defend the weak because our strength fortifies their weak areas.
We need each other. We close gaps. Rising up for each other closes the gaps that hackers try to slip through.
These hackers are the enemy manifesting in different areas. He sniffs out blood and like a shark he’s drawn to it. Where there is blood there has been a wound. A wound left unhealed breeds infection.
Advice from a King’s Mom
I think about King Lemuel’s mother in Proverbs 30:8-9.
Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Parasites begin to infest a wound and you have one hacker inviting other hackers to set up camp so to speak.. This is why when you have victory in your life you have a responsibility to help those who are in process.
Fight for those who don’t have the strength to fight for themselves.
This is what King Lemuel’s mother was teaching him. Son, look into their best interests. Defeat the bully who preys upon the weaker ones.
Moses did this for those He was leading. A place of promise for those weary people. He had those who held his arms up when he was weary and tired in His call so he knew what weary felt like.
Prayer was significant in their call to help Moses keep the hackers away.
Abraham drove vultures away in his call. He recognized hackers in the form of vultures.
Not casting your pearls before the swine is a way of dealing with hackers. Why give what is valuable to those who won’t appreciate it or value it?
Religious people are hackers. Looking for ways to condemn you or criticize your pearls.
Jesus didn’t give them his attention so why should you? Dust your feet off and move on.
Have Confidence
Go to the next place confidently. Confidence alone will destroy your hackers because they can’t find a place in you. No access point, no place of entrance for the enemy. Confidence keeps your life secure and focused.
Closed gaps are like slamming a door in the enemies (hackers) face. When a stranger comes to the door you don’t answer.
You answer to your beloved. You answer and open the door from the inside. It isn’t forced in. It isn’t pried open. You’re the only one empowered with the key to your house.
A simple request to come in and dine with the one who holds the key to everything you desire. He knows you better than you know yourself.
He will give you the authority and ability to destroy your hackers. He whispers truths that will sustain you and secure you from wavering. Your fight is from a place of victory not for a place of victory.
When you are in his presence your confidence will soar because you will see yourself through his eyes not a distorted lie from a hacker. Are you the worst hacker in your own life? The enemy to you might be the inner you.
Lay to rest and set a match to the lies you have believed about yourself. Allow God to use his people, imperfect people to remove the grave clothes the enemy has tried to clothe you with.
Next time…
Next time hacking happens push back. Take captive the thoughts that are contrary to what God says about you. Don’t give them your attention. Deprive it of your attention thus making it null and void.
When you strip Hackers you stand strong with your eyes on the prize moving forward in life.
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