Luke 8:14-15
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked out by life’s worries, riches, pleasures and they do not mature but the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
We all have days when we fall back and respond to situations in an immature way. We have off days. So how do we know if the issue is tied to spiritual immaturity?
Let’s look at the characteristics of someone who wobbles through life in a weakened state. A state connected directly to them needing to mature spiritually.
Circumstances seem to toss them around like a beach ball on a windy day.
They are often unaware. It affects their job, relationships, their security and peace. Their future seems shaky because it seems like life always smacks them. Sometimes, it even affects their health.
Here Are 4 Ways to Tell If Your Are Spiritually Immature
See how you stack up. You are spiritually immature if…
#1 You are an emotional Responder
Highly emotional responders react to everything coming at them.
The children of Israel did this.
While trudging along through the wilderness on the way to the promised land, they started thinking.
As they reflected back on Egypt, they entertained negative thoughts. The more they complained about what they had back there, the more an ungrateful heart took root.
We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers,the melons, leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; but now our whole being is dried up, there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes. – Numbers 11:5-6
I’m not sure how they started pining away for onions and leeks, but they did. They began salivating for the things they had in Egypt. They lost sight of where they were going.
On the way to a land flowing with milk and honey they weren’t grateful. They weren’t thinking, “Maybe I am developing and growing stronger.” They had tunnel vision and griped about everything.
Everywhere they looked, manna. manna and more manna. It’s like God gave them the bread of heaven. Which would be like us being served Prime Rib daily, then complaining about it because we really wanted Spam.
They wanted comfort and the path of least resistance because it required nothing. They wanted their appetite satisfied more than they wanted their life developed.
They had undisciplined thinking. Thoughts about their feet hurting and sweat running out of every pore on their body was kicking in.
It made them thirsty. Then cranky. Add a little whiny and you have adults acting like toddlers.
Don’t we do the same thing?
We get one thing, but we often get preoccupied with another. Instead of forward thinking, we get stuck with what happened yesterday or last year.
After whining about the condition of their journey, they started complaining about Moses. After all, He led them to this hot mess of a wilderness.
Helping anyone grow isn’t glamorous. Most people don’t love their process of spiritual development. We can all throw Moses a bone as He leads and feeds his people.
Once they got their mind off of grumbling about the desert conditions, they needed someone else to blame. Someone else to direct their attention towards.
#2 You are Impatient and demanding.
A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them said to his Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me. So He divided to them His livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. – Luke 15:11-13
Sitting in traffic, that subtle, me first attitude shows up, as you covet the front parking space. If you can only whip around this corner and beat that other car. Dang it. She beat me. “Crap, I am in a hurry” is say to myself with a shoulder shrug. Better luck next time.
Once I get in the store, I don’t have time for my mindless, ‘not all wanderers are lost’ kind of day. I need to get it and get out today. I approach the checkout, noticing the one cashier and four people ahead of me.
I exhale, loudly of course, as I pace back and forth wondering where in the heck are the other cashiers. Snap, I didn’t move fast enough as the cashier meandered her shuffling feet as slow as molasses to open up. Someone beat me there. I exhale impatiently again.
Aagh, nothing spells entitlement like the thought of us wanting to be served first.
Entitlement at it’s finest.
What about the toe tapping that happens when that instant response to your text message doesn’t come through with flames of fire and smoke billowing off the ends of that response?
Sometimes entitlement looks like the kid who everyone catered too and bent over backwards to make sure every whim they had was met.
What happens when everyone in college is on the same page because no one is a princess when four of us share a bathroom.
When uncomfortable becomes unwilling, we might be entitled.
Struggling wasn’t allowed for Johnny because it seemed cruel.
Making them work to earn money seemed unnecessary because we don’t want them to struggle like we did. After all, they deserve better.
Suffering seems unfair in waiting and delayed gratification. It doesn’t look like a great gift but it is.
Saying no, is the kiss of heaven to an undisciplined, unprepared person even though it feels like a slap.
Remaining spiritually immature not only hurts you, it hinders you. God loves you too much to turn you loose without being prepared with growth and maturity.
People that aren’t mature mishandle authority. If they haven’t gone through the process of growing by experiencing pain and disappointment they can hurt other people.
Their lack of experiential knowledge with understanding hasn’t prepared them. Spiritual and physical maturity tests you and tempers you.
Demanding something that isn’t offered to you is like extracting something by force. Once you get it, it doesn’t satisfy. Because you aren’t mature enough to handle it.
This is what the prodigal son did. He wasn’t responsible enough to handle the amount of possessions He was demanding.
This is why people that win the lottery statistically are not any happier than before they won. Although I would give it a shot.
Often they can’t retain the wealth they come into. They can’t handle it because it requires maturity and wisdom.
When you are responsible and dependable, things and opportunities will be placed in front of you. Because the maturity is there for you to deal with it.
When love and patience replace impatient demands, we start to grow and develop.
#3 You don’t want to do the work that helps you grow
Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful: nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. – Hebrews 12:11
Hard work is good for the soul.
Some people like school. Most don’t. They see it as a means to an end. Except for the social ones. These butterflies cannot be contained. If they don’t float off to socialize, they float off into their own world day dreaming.
Dreaming about not working. Dreaming about a fantasy life. A Jesus wand and blessings showering down on us.
While fraternizing with the other prisoners (I mean students), the cruel taskmaster (the teacher) walks the aisles and starts assigning cubicles.
Who does this? Breaking up a social circle of wanna be world changers.
The butterflies attempt escape, but he captures them. Netting them, which they despise. This season of restraint will teach them discipline, how to wait well, and focus.
He doesn’t make them, he offers it to them if they desire intentional growth.
Cubicles offered that can force you to put your head down and do the work. Instructors do that. Leaders and Coaches are a little harder on you.
Teachers do it. Stretching you. Pushing you. They trouble your comfort zones, to bring out of you the discipline that is necessary to develop you.
They love bringing out of you what was deposited within you. They don’t care if you like them or not. Put your head down and do the work.
These cubicles are like putting blinders on a horse. Eliminating distractions.
Put your head down and do the work. He reminds you of the upcoming tests.
People that train and want to develop just put their head down and work. Progress and growth are a natural byproduct of doing the work.
Persistence and due diligence always bears fruit. But it starts with you. God cannot do something with an undisciplined, unrestrained immature person.
#4 You’re a victim
Maybe you have been the recipient of someone else’s actions and sin. They seem to clothe you because your words give you away.,
Situations have stunted your growth to the point of labeling you a victim because of what happened to you.
But thanks be to God who always gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. – 1 Corinthians 15:57
Life happens. Bad things happen. How we respond is up to us. Our reaction and the words coming out of our mouths are the direct connection to what is going on in our hearts.
Out of the abundance of our hearts our mouth speaks.
Our spiritual growth can be measured by this fruit. It often will reflect our maturity or immaturity. Our pain or our victory through Christ.
This is not to beat anyone up. But when we respond like a victim, we start feeling sorry for our-self. We point out all the bad things that have happened.
Gratitude starts fading as complaining takes center stage. Me, myself and I start to become the center of the conversation. Leaving little room to ask how the people you are talking with are doing.
Being other minded is a foreign concept because you have become a victim. It’s your ID badge. Victim mentalities can start leading to egotistical, narcissistic thinking.
The conversations you have start sounding like a funeral for your life. Except your still living. Victimized by the sad and bad circumstances, all your conversation is laced with what happened to you.
Blaming others seems like it would bring relief because it takes the focus off your pain. Yet it only adds to it. The lack of empowerment you feel starts revealing a heart that is broken and poisoned with infection.
The need to slay your demons is real. It will come from spiritual maturity, knowing your true identity, and gathering the tools necessary for victory.
You’ve got to get mad enough to grow and refuse to be content.
People with purpose that are preyed upon, push back. They have grit because they know they have a purpose.
Spiritually passive people get beat up. You don’t fight the enemy with natural means. You fight back with spiritual authority.
There is a reason that the enemy preys upon the physical and spiritual young ones. They are vulnerable. He can jerk them around through a lack of knowledge and maturity.
It’s not their fault. They just don’t know. They haven’t been taught and don’t realize they are being preyed upon. Those that aren’t prayed upon and watched out for are often preyed upon.
This is exactly what the enemy does to us spiritually. When we don’t know who we are, and wear the armor God has given us, we are easily preyed upon and defeated.
Big Questions
Have you been exploited by the enemy because of your lack of understanding?
Have you been passive just hoping for a ‘Jesus wand’ to come and sprinkle fairy dust along your path so you can wake up spiritually mature? This is emotional fantasy. It will keep you in bondage and stuck.
Do you tend to whine through life neglecting what you can be grateful for?
Who can you connect with to help you mature spiritually?
Find a good church. A mentor. A spiritually mature person to help you.
By all means, make sure you can be real and they are unpretentious so you can be you. When this happens you can start to get on with your growing process.
It’s Your Turn
What about you?
Are you an emotional responder?
Are you impatient and demanding?
Do you do the work so you can grow?
Are you a victim?
How do you rate on the scale of spiritual maturity?
Leave me a comment below.
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